Welcome to the inaugural Beyond Gender Conference
Beyond Gender Conference Mission Statement
Beyond Gender is a conference in which the entire gender spectrum will
be embraced and was created to unite not only our LGBTQ+ community
but the world surrounding it! We believe that all people should have the
ability to live their lives authentically and without judgment of gender
or sexuality. Beyond Gender Conference is produced by New Beginnings
TLC. Inc a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.
First Draft Syllabus
Personal development track
Medical track / surgeons, psych and health care workers
Demo track / how to
Make up, how to tie a tie, how and where to purchase items needed
Voice coach
Hormones and their purposes / side effects
Transitioning in all stages/ early years vs later years in life reality / pitfalls of transitioning/ acceptance, loss of family members and friends, suicide
Political policies affecting us in Florida and across our nation
What can we do collectively
What can each of us do / live out and proud if possible and if not be an ally
Equality Florida
Free Mom Hugs w/Sara Cunningham
Human Rights Campaign
Prom / many never got to attend authentically or at all
Evening Themed Banquets
Possibly Burlesque/Boylesque
Keynote speaker
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